There are many contraceptive options available at this time. Finding the best option is a unique choice, different for every individual.
How do I get Birth Control?
- If this will be your first time getting birth control, start with the Gynecology Tutorial.
- Review information about contraceptive options such as Bedsider or Health Topics: Sexual Health to consider which method fits your needs best.
- At Campus Health, contraception can be prescribed by a gynecology provider, a primary care clinic provider, or a pharmacist.
- To work with a primary care or gynecology provider, make an appointment.
- To work with a pharmacist – who can provide birth control pills or the patch for a convenience charge of $30 – complete a questionnaire and bring it, at your convenience anytime Monday – Friday from 9 am – 5 pm, to either Campus Health Pharmacy or Student Stores Pharmacy.
Please note: for Implanon and IUD insertion, a consult visit with a gynecology provider must be scheduled prior to getting the device inserted. To set up a consult visit please call the appointment line 919-966-2281.
How do I get refills of already prescribed birth control?
Contact the pharmacy where your prescription was sent and ask for the prescription to be refilled. You can transfer a prescription to Campus Health Pharmacy or Student Stores Pharmacy by calling the pharmacy where you would like to pick up your prescription and asking for help transferring the prescription.
If I have a prescription from a non-Campus Health provider, can I fill it at Campus Health Pharmacy or Student Stores Pharmacy?
You can! Call the pharmacy where you would like to pick up your prescription and ask for help transferring the prescription.
What if I’ve already had unprotected sex?
If you have had unprotected intercourse, look into Emergency Contraception (Plan B, ella, Paragard, Mirena, or Liletta IUDs). Plan B is available for over-the-counter purchase at most pharmacies, including the Campus Health Pharmacy and Student Stores Pharmacy, as well as the Healthy Heels 2 Go vending machines located in the Carolina Union and Rams Head Recreation Center. ella requires a prescription; contact your prescriber or speak with a pharmacist at Campus Health Pharmacy or Student Stores Pharmacy for help obtaining ella. If you’d like to use an IUD for emergency contraception, please call the Campus Health Gynecology Department and specify that you’d like to schedule an IUD insertion for emergency contraception within 5 days of having unprotected sex.