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Health Science Students – Immunizations

Immunization Recommendations – Health Science Students:

All incoming Health Science students are required to meet the NC Required Immunizations requirement for incoming students.

In addition to the state required immunizations, to promote the health of our Health Science students and to minimize the potential for transmission of communicable diseases within our community, the following immunizations are recommended for all Health Science students.  Each Health Science student should check with their individual program to determine what is required:

Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis:

Health Science Students who have not received tetanus and diphtheria toxoids and acellular pertussis vaccine (Tdap) or for whom pertussis vaccination status is unknown are required to receive 1 dose of Tdap, followed by a tetanus and diphtheria toxoids (Td) booster every 10 years. Please check with your health science program regarding your compliance with this requirement.

Hepatitis B

A completed Hepatitis B vaccine series AND an adequate (>10 mIU/mL) serological quantitative Hepatitis B surface antibody titer (HBsAb). 

  • 3 Hepatitis B doses OR a 2 dose Heplisav-B series is acceptable.  Heplisav-B is only available in the United States.
  • The quantitative titer must be done 1-2 months after the last Hepatitis B vaccine in the series
  • If your titer was inadequate after the primary series, you need a booster Hepatitis B vaccine and recheck the titer 1-2 months after this dose.  If this repeat titer is still inadequate, this second series needs to be completed before a final titer is done 1-2 months after completion of this second series.  Note:  If the student had a recent primary hepatitis B series (within the past year) AND the subsequent HBsAb titer was inadequate, then it is preferred that the student get a repeat Hepatitis B series and then have the final HBsAb titer done after the last vaccine dose.  
  • If you have received 2 completed series and are still unable to obtain an adequate serological titer, you are considered a “non-responder” and must be evaluated by a Campus Health provider.


2 documented varicella (chickenpox) vaccines OR a positive serological titer are required.  An affidavit or documentation of having had the disease will not be accepted.

Measles, Mumps, Rubella

2 Measles (rubeola), 2 Mumps, 1 Rubella are required.  2 MMR vaccines or positive titers will also meet this requirement.


UNC Health Care requires that all healthcare personnel receive the influenza vaccine yearly.  Thus, health science students rotating through UNC clinical sites are required to get the influenza vaccine yearly. If you are requesting a religious/medical exemption for this requirement, please use the link to the form on the right.

TB Screening:  TB blood test OR TB skin tests are acceptable:

In low risk individuals, the TB blood test is the preferred method for screening. 

A 2-step TST (Tuberculin Skin Test) will require 4 visits and must be performed in the United States. If the first TST is negative, a second TST is placed 1-3 weeks later.

  • If the first or second TST is positive, the student is required to meet with a Campus Health medical provider.  Note:  if a TST was placed within the previous 12 months and it was negative, it is acceptable to only do 1 additional TST to meet the 2-step requirement. 
  • If you have a history of a positive TB screening test (TST or TB blood test), please make an appointment with a Campus Health provider for further evaluation and clearance.  Please bring previous records to that meeting.
  • For each subsequent year, either an annual TB screening test or a TB questionnaire given by a nurse will be required. The questionnaire is only done for students who have had a positive TB screening test. 

Note:  For individuals who have had the BCG vaccine, the TB blood test is preferred over the skin test, but ultimately, please follow the requirements from your health science school.

Exemptions for Immunizations – Health Science Students:

Medical Exemptions:

Health Science Students can request a medical exemption to the required immunizations listed above.  To request a medical exemption, students must complete the “UNC Health Science Student MEDICAL VACCINE CONTRAINDICATION” Form (found in the box to the right).  Students must have their Personal Health Care Provider sign the form, then forward the form to their respective Health Science School.

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