Academic Interventions

Medical conditions can affect your ability to attend classes and impair your academic performance. If a medical condition significantly impairs your academic performance, you may request accommodation. Possible academic interventions for medical health problems include:

Medical excuses for missed classes or assignments when you are ill during the semester

Students should work directly with their instructors to address any school-related absences due to illness, without the need to disclose sensitive health information.

Faculty members are prohibited from requesting personal health information from students. This includes, but is not limited to, medical records, test results, and the status of a student’s health condition. Instructors are expected to respect the privacy of students and adhere to the university’s guidelines on the confidentiality of medical information. 

University-approved absences are not provided by Campus Health for commonly occurring illnesses, minor injuries, or non-emergency surgeries. Some common examples of absences that do not qualify for a University Approved Absence are

  • general doctor’s appointments
  • strep throat
  • upper respiratory infections
  • influenza
  • migraines
  • ear infections
  • common colds
  • stomach bugs
  • pink eye
  • sprained ankles

Please work directly with your instructor to navigate absences for the above reasons.

Examples of significant health conditions may include:

  • Emergency surgery
  • Hospitalization
  • Severe communicable diseases that require isolation (i.e. measles, mumps, tuberculosis, varicella)
  • A severe injury/condition that affects mobility and/or cognition, or
  • Acute exacerbation of a chronic mental health issue.

Students can request a university approved absence for a significant health condition by completing the request form on the University Approved Absence Office website.

Students and instructors who experience challenges negotiating a solution to class absences are encouraged to follow up with the chair of the department or the chair’s designee.

Course Drop for Medical Reasons (Current or Retroactive)

Current or retroactive course drops are supported by Academic Advising’s Academic Difficult Appeals. Campus Health is not involved in course drops.

Medical Underload

*Please keep in mind that Medical Underloads can only be approved before or within two weeks of the first day of class. Any requests for a Medical Underload outside that time frame would be considered a Medical Course Drop Request.

Medical Underload Process

  1. Consult with your academic advisor or your program’s student service manager/coordinator to see if a Medical Underload is appropriate.
  2. Email Campus Health Medical Interventions at [email protected] to formally request a Medical Underload.
    • The request should:
      • Address your request to “Whom It May Concern”
      • Acknowledge that you have met with your advisor
      • Include how the medical condition has affected your coursework
      • Communicate how many credit hours you are looking to take with the underload
  3. In addition to the email, please have appropriate documentation from your treating health care provider about the medical condition affecting your academic progress. This documentation should…
    • Contain information about your diagnosis, prognosis, and length of illness.
    • Be submitted either by fax to Campus Health at 919-966-6575 or by email.

*If you were seen by a Campus Health provider, you will not need to submit this documentation since we have access to your health records at Campus Health.

  1. Once all paperwork has been received (email and documentation from the treating provider), it will be submitted to our Lead Physician.
  2. If the paperwork is approved by our Lead Physician, it will be sent to Academic Advising or your program.
  3. Note that requests for underloads less than 9 hours may have a longer turn around time. Start the underload process as soon as you can if requesting an underload of less than 9 hours.

Medical Withdrawal

A medical withdrawal for the current semester is processed through Campus Health and must be completed before the last day of classes.

A medical withdrawal is when you, as an enrolled student, decide you must leave the university in a given term due to medical reasons once the term begins and you have attended at least one class.

There are impacts to undergoing this process, and we understand there are still good reasons why students may need to withdraw.

Clearance by Campus Health is required for readmittance after a withdrawal and must be completed 6-10 weeks before the first day of class in the semester you want to return. Details below.

Retroactive Term withdrawal requests are processed through Academic Advising Course Drop, Retroactive Course Drop & Retroactive Term Withdrawal Appeals – UNC Advising 

Current Semester Medical Withdrawal Process

  1. Consult with your academic advisor or your program’s student service manager/coordinator to see if a Medical Withdrawal is appropriate.
  2. Email Campus Health Medical Interventions at [email protected] to formally request a Medical Withdrawal for the current semester.
    • The request should include the following:
      • Address your request to “Whom It May Concern”
      • Acknowledge that you have met with your advisor
      • How the medical condition has affected your coursework
  3. In addition to the email, please send appropriate documentation from your treating healthcare provider about the medical condition affecting your academic progress. The documentation should…
    • Contain information about your diagnosis, prognosis, and length of illness
    • Either be faxed to Campus Health at 919-966-6575 or emailed.

*If Campus Health is your treating healthcare provider, you will not need to submit this documentation since it will be in your medical records at Campus Health.

  1. Once the paperwork has been received (both the email and documentation from the provider), it will be submitted to our Lead Physician.
  2. If approved by our Lead Physician, this information will be sent to Academic Advising/your program, Housing, Registrar, Dean of Students Office, and Financial Aid.
    • A certified letter will be sent to the student’s most appropriate address in ConnectCarolina.

When will withdrawals be dated?

Campus Health medical withdrawals will be dated when the Campus Health process is complete, including the receipt of the required documentation. The withdrawal might be dated earlier in rare and extenuating circumstances. Examples of this would include prolonged hospitalization or incapacitation.

How long can I receive care at Campus Health and CAPS after withdrawal?

If your medical or psychological withdrawal is granted, you have 30 days of eligibility to be seen at Campus Health, including CAPS.

When I’m ready, how do I return to campus after withdrawal?

Clearance by Campus Health is required for readmittance and must be completed 6-10 weeks before the first day of class in the semester you want to return. To be cleared, the treating provider must fill out the clearance form and return it to Campus Health. Please note the following clearance deadlines:

Spring 2025                                  Wed Nov 27

2025 Summer Session I              Wed Apr 2

2025 Summer Session II             Mon May 12

Fall 2025                                         Mon Jul 7

University Approved Absences

Students are obligated to attend class regularly. Students are encouraged to communicate with their instructors early about potential absences, and instructors may work with students to meet attendance needs. Many reasons exist for missing classes that do not fall within University Approved Absences.

University-approved absences are not provided by Campus Health for commonly occurring illnesses, minor injuries, or non-emergency surgeries.

Some common examples of absences that do not qualify for a University Approved Absence are general doctor’s appointments, strep throat, upper respiratory infections, influenza, migraines, ear infections, common colds, stomach bugs, pink eye, sprained ankles, etc. Please work directly with your instructor to navigate absences for these reasons.

When can an absence due to a health issue be University approved?

Examples of significant health conditions may include (but are not limited to):

  • Emergency surgery
  • Hospitalization
  • Severe communicable diseases that require isolation (i.e. measles, mumps, tuberculosis, varicella)
  • A severe injury/condition that affects mobility and/or cognition, or
  • Acute exacerbation of a chronic mental health issue.

Students can request a university approved absence for a significant health condition by completing the request form on the University Approved Absence office’s website.

Where can I get more information about attendance and absence policies?

For more information about the Class Attendance Policy and/or the University Approved Absence Office, including the link to make a request for a University Approved Absence, FAQs, resources, and expectations, please visit General questions can be emailed to [email protected].

Illness during Final Exams

We know that illnesses may arise during finals. Students who have a medical illness during the final exam period that significantly impairs one’s ability to prepare for or take a final exam may participate in the process outlined below for assistance. 

Process for Navigating Illness during Final Exams

Student tasks for the process are in bold.

  1. Consult with a provider on the day of or prior to your exam – this process cannot be done retroactively. 
  2. A Campus Health provider will authorize the “Official Permit” if it is determined that the student’s ability to prepare for or take the final exam was significantly impaired by a medical or mental health illness. If you visit provider outside of Campus Health, you must transmit documentation of the medical/mental health visit to Health Information at [email protected] or by fax 919-966-0616. Include specific dates and times of requested excused exams. This will go to a Campus Health provider for review and authorization and will be documented in our system.
  3. Your name, PID, date of exam, time of exam, and name of authorizing Campus Health provider is placed on the “Excused Examination List” which is shared daily with the University Registrar and Academic Advising office. The student (or their designee) should receive an email from the Registrar to their UNC email account with an attached “Permit to Take a Final Examination” within 24 hours. If that email is not received, contact [email protected]
  4. After your clinic visit & while awaiting the receipt of your permit, please e-mail your instructor(s) to notify them that you have been placed on the Campus Health Excused Examination List.
  5. After a student receives the electronic permit, the student must:
    • Email instructor(s) the electronic permit, and determine alternative final exam options.

Visit Academic Advising more information about Final Examination Excuses.

Psychological Reasons for Academic Interventions

If you are seeking a withdrawal, underload, or final exam excuse due to psychological reasons, you will need to stop by Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) during walk-in hours (Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. and from 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.). CAPS processes are similar to Campus Health, and are detailed on the CAPS website: academic withdrawalsunderloads, or final exam excuses due to psychological needs. 

Academic Intervention Contact

Your program’s academic advisor should be your first contact for academic concerns. Undergraduates should also refer to the Academic Advising website.

For medical underloads or withdrawals through Campus Health, email: [email protected]

Fax: 919-966-6575

Campus Health

320 Emergency Room Drive, CB# 7470

James A Taylor Building, University of North Carolina

Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7470

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