Allergy Services

Contact the Allergy Clinic: 919-966-6664

Eligible Carolina students, post-docs, and partners who have started allergy shots may continue injections with a nurse in the Allergy Clinic.  The allergist will remain the patient’s physician in relation to allergy immunotherapy.  The allergist must give the initial injection and provide detailed information prior to the administration of allergy injections at Campus Health.  Allergy testing is not provided at Campus Health.

How to Prepare for Your First Allergy Clinic Appointment

Step 1: Have your Allergist request our service.

Campus Health cannot give your initial allergy injection.  You must already be receiving allergy injections with an allergist.

Have your Allergist complete and sign this form and return it to us by fax at 919-966-0616, in person, or by mail to:

Allergy Clinic 
Campus Health
CB# 7470, James A. Taylor Bldg.
UNC-Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7470

Step 2: Prepare your serum and shot record for the Allergy Clinic at Campus Health.

  • Serum vials must have your name, contents, concentration and expiration dates on the labels. We cannot use the serum vials if they are expired or there is no expiration date on the label.
  • Each serum vial must have enough for the first few injections.
  • A shot record with instructions for each vial must be included and this information must match the labels on the vials. Recent shots with the dates, name of serum, location of each injection, concentration and any reactions should also be included.
  • Serum may be hand delivered or mailed to the Allergy Clinic prior to your first visit. (Avoid exposure to extreme heat and cold) After arrival, all serum will be stored in a temperature controlled refrigerator.
  • Allergy Clinic cannot store serum for people who are not receiving injections at Campus Health.  Any serum left in the Allergy Clinic at the end of each semester will be discarded if you are not actively receiving injections. 
  • Complete the documents below to submit to Campus Health.

Step 3: Make an initial appointment with the allergy nurse

  • The allergy nurse will call you to schedule your first appointment when all documents have been received.  If you plan on bringing your forms to your first appointment, please call the allergy nurse at 919-966-6664.
  • Arrive 15 minutes early for your first appointment and remember to bring your insurance card with you.
  • An initial appointment takes extra time as the allergy nurse will ask you to complete a questionnaire regarding your allergy symptoms and treatment, review your allergist’s orders, provide you with an orientation and more information about the allergy clinic, and ask you to sign a consent to receive your allergy shots at Campus Health.
  • If everything is in order, you may receive an allergy shot at your first visit.
  • Remember to allow additional time in your schedule for the required 20-30 minute wait after injections.
  • Future appointments typically will be made during your visits to the allergy clinic, but you may make them with the Campus Health appointment line 919-966-2281 or through the web portal.
  • Students under age 18 need written parental consent for allergy injections.

There is a charge for the administration of allergy injections at Campus Health.

The Allergy Clinic cannot store serum for people who are not receiving injections at Campus Health.  Any serum left in the Allergy Clinic at the end of each semester will be discarded if you are not actively receiving allergy shots. Campus Health will not mail any allergy serums to you or an allergist.

Fall and Spring Semester Allergy Clinic Hours

Monday – Friday, 9:30 am – 11:30 am and 1:15 pm – 3:45 pm

Summer Allergy Clinic

Tues & Thurs, 9:30 am- 11:30 pm; Mon, Weds, Fri 1:15 – 3:45 pm

*Please note reduced hours during summer sessions. Patients must pay Campus Health Fee each summer semester before receiving shots. If you are receiving monthly allergy shots, you are not required to pay the Campus Health Fee. 

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