Gynecology is an inclusive medical clinic located on the third floor of Campus Health. Our Gynecology providers serve persons of all identities who have a need for Gynecological services.
To schedule an appointment, you may:
- Schedule online
- Request online
- Call (919) 966-2281 and select option 2 during regular hours to schedule an appointment
View our health history form and complete prior to your annual exam visit.
Gynecology services are provided by board-certified medical professionals. Services include comprehensive preventive services as well as problem visits. Our typical appointments include:
- Annual Exams
- Pelvic Exams and Pap Smears
- Breast Exams
- Colposcopy
- Vaginal Infections
- Urinary Tract Infections
- Contraception
- IUD and Nexplanon placement and removal
- Pre-Conception and Pregnancy Planning
- Menstrual Cycle Concerns
- Sexually Transmitted Infections
The student health fee covers most gynecological services. There may be additional charges for labs, procedures, treatments, and obstetrical care.
If you are interested in learning more about how to talk to your partner about sexual health, visit the Sexual Health and Relationship Education (SHARE) staff at Student Wellness as an individual, partnership, or group to discuss sexual health & wellness needs. These appointments include the ability to ask general questions about sexual health and wellness, questions about sexually transmitted infections, contraceptives, and strategies for conversations around sexual wellness and healthy relationships.