Testing for Sexually Transmitted Infections and Diseases (STI / STD)

If you are sexually active, getting tested for STIs is one of the most important things you can do to protect your health.

STIs can be acquired and transmitted by anyone.

Many STIs – particularly, chlamydia and gonorrhea – are known for being asymptomatic for long periods of time. That’s why it’s important for people who engage in sexual behaviors to get tested even if no symptoms are present.

Have an open and honest conversation about your sexual history and STI testing with your medical provider and ask whether you should be tested for STIs. CDC screening guidelines can help you know if you should be tested.

Depending on which infection is being tested for, tests can include gathering samples of urine or blood and/or swabbing of parts of your body.

STI testing at Campus Health

Campus Health offers STI testing for chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, herpes, HIV, human papilloma virus (HPV), and syphilis. Many of the tests at Campus Health can be self-collected with instructions provided by staff.

You must make an appointment to be tested at Campus Health.

  • If you’re asymptomatic, you can schedule an appointment online to be screened for STIs by a registered nurse. Nurses generally have more availability than doctors or physician assistants so they can more readily provide testing at a day and time that fits your schedule. For these appointments, complete the STI Screening form.
  • If you’re experiencing symptoms, you should schedule with a doctor or physician assistant in Gynecology or Primary Care at Campus Health. Make an appointment to be tested.

Charges for Lab Tests: Your Insurance, Your Privacy, Your Choice

Understanding the billing process for lab tests is helpful, especially for tests like those for sexually transmitted infections.  

Default to Insurance

By default, Campus Health bills your insurance for lab test charges. Typically, insurance companies send an explanation of benefits to the insurance policy holder (the main person on your insurance plan) when there are charges.  

  • Family Insurance Plans: If you are covered by your family member’s insurance plan, the insurance company will send the policy holder – your family member – an explanation of benefits for any lab tests performed.  
  • Student Insurance Plans: If you have the System Wide Student Health Insurance Plan or Student Blue, you, as the policy holder, will receive the explanation of benefits. 

Your Decision Matters

If you would rather not use your insurance, let your provider and the lab staff know before any tests. This puts you in control, but remember, it means you will be covering the charges. 

Please note lab results from Campus Health or our outside reference labs maybe published to health portals. This information could be accessible to anyone that has a log-in to your account.


If you are not using insurance or you are out of network, here are the prices for some tests. Keep in mind, these prices might change, and there could be extra fees for handling and administration. If your results are positive, more tests or treatments might be needed, with added costs.

  • Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, and Trichomoniasis – $91.50
  • Chlamydia and Gonorrhea test – $60
  • Chlamydia only – $30
  • Gonorrhea only – $30
  • Syphilis – $9
  • Herpes Type 1 and 2 IgG (blood test) – $66.75
  • Wet prep (this test will identify the presence of yeast, bacterial vaginosis, and trichomonas) – $22
  • Urine pregnancy test – $15
  • HIV 4th Gen blood test – $29

Paying for Tests

  1. Wait for your test results, which you typically receive within 2 business days. 
  1. Call the Campus Health Billing Office at (919) 966-6588 once the results come through. 
  1. Choose how to pay: cash, check, UNC One Card, or MasterCard/Visa. 

If lab test payment is not received, the charges will post to your University student account. To protect your privacy, Campus Health will not post medical details on your student account. An itemized statement can be provided upon request. 

What are the treatments for STIs?

There are a variety of treatments available for STIs. Some infections are bacterial, such as Chlamydia and Gonorrhea, which are treated with antibiotics. Other infections are viral, such as Herpes and HIV, and while there are no cures available, there are medications that can be taken to reduce the severity of symptoms.

Other testing options in Chapel Hill

Orange County Health Department

Full STD testing is free for all citizens (subsidized by state government). Call 919-245-2400 for an appointment. Located at the Southern Human Services Center – 2501 Homestead Road, Chapel Hill on the A bus route. 

SHAC Free HIV and STD Testing

Wednesdays from 6-9:30 p.m. 301 Lloyd Street, Carrboro. Free testing on walk-in or appointment basis for HIV, hepatitis C (HCV), and gonorrhea/chlamydia. Staffed by UNC-Chapel Hill nursing and medical students.

How can I prevent getting a sexually transmitted infection or disease?

Sexually transmitted infections and diseases means those that are transmitted through sexual behavior. Some infections and diseases are transmitted through fluids such as vaginal secretions and semen, while others are transmitted with skin-to-skin contact.

The most reliable way to avoid sexually transmitted infections or diseases is by not engaging in sexual behavior right now, also known as abstinence.

To reduce the risk of infection and disease transmission, people can…

  • Get vaccinated against STIs like HPV and Hepatitis B.
  • Limit the number of sexual partners. It is still important to get tested, and to share test results with one another.
  • Practice mutual monogamy. Mutual monogamy means that agreeing to be sexually active with only one person, who has agreed to be sexually active only with you. Being in a long-term mutually monogamous relationship with an uninfected partner is one of the most reliable ways to avoid STIs.
  • Correctly and consistently use a barrier method to limit fluid exchange and skin contact. Students can obtain free barriers around Campus Health or by ordering through Student Wellness.
  • Campus Health also prescribes PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) for those at risk of getting HIV. PrEP requires taking a pill every day and greatly reduces the PrEP-user’s risk of contracting HIV. Learn more about PrEP at the CDC.
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