Campus Health FAQs

Welcome, Tar Heels and families! 

First – the to-do list for new students:

  1. Immunizations: Students must provide proof that they have received all required vaccinations.
  2. Health insurance: All students enrolled in the UNC system colleges and universities must have health insurance and provide proof of creditable coverage.

If you have questions not answered below, please contact us!

General questions

What does Campus Health do?

Campus Health provides:

  • Accessible, direct health care to UNC-CH students and their spouses.
  • Health education within Campus health and via outreach in areas where students live and work.
  • Training experiences for students as peer advocates in a variety of health topics such as nutrition, fitness, sexuality, alcohol and other drugs.
  • A voice for health care concerns in the University community and address matters of public health interest.

Does Campus Health have a patient portal?

Yes, we have a secure patient portal that students can access at Use your ONYEN and ONYEN Password to log in. The patient portal allows patients to:

  • Communicate directly, securely and confidentially with the health service
  • Review lab test results
  • Make online requests for appointments
  • View portions of their personal health records

Will I get appointment reminders?

Yes, Campus Health uses both email and text messages to send appointment reminders. To opt out of appointment reminder text messages from Campus Health, please call 919-966-2283

Where is Campus Health located?

Between Kenan Football Stadium (gate 6) and UNC Hospitals. Click for detailed directions, including bus routes.

Who is eligible to use Campus Health?

All students and Postdoctoral Fellows who pay the current term Campus Health Fee can use Campus Health and CAPS. For part-time and distance-education students, this fee is not automated in your tuition and fees. To receive services, contact Patient Accounts to request the fee be added and your eligibility for care updated.

Spouses of degree-seeking undergraduate students, graduate students and Postdoctoral fellows can receive care at Campus Health and CAPS. Spouses who pay the Campus Health Fee for the term can use Campus Health and CAPS once they show proof of insurance along with proof of their marriage or a notarized affidavit of domestic partnership.

UNC-affiliated individuals (meaning faculty and staff) can access Campus Health Pharmacy, Student Stores Pharmacy, Dental Clinic and International Travel Clinic.

Family Orientation Presentation


What is the Campus Health Fee?

The Campus Health Fee is a fee that any eligible student at UNC-Chapel Hill pays through fees/tuition each term. It is a mandatory fee. Those part-time and distance-education students who wish to receive care at Campus Health or CAPS can opt to pay that term’s health fee. By state law, Campus Health receives no taxpayer dollars for its operation. All services are supported by the Campus Health fee and fee-for-services such as lab tests, x-rays, and various medical procedures.

What does the Campus Health fee cover?

Costs for access to primary care professionals are covered by the Campus Health fee; it also funds health promotion and violence prevention services provided by Student Wellness. Specialty care, extended services and diagnostics support services (lab, x-ray) are covered by fee-for-service which helps cover operating costs. The Campus Health fee covers most of the professional services offered by Campus Health staff. For details see Campus Health Fee.

What are the options regarding payment of fee-for-service charges?

Students can pay at the time of service. Campus Health can accept the UNC One Card, HSA Cards, cash, check, or credit/debit card (MasterCard or Visa). Another option is to request charges be placed on the student’s account at the Office of Student Accounts and University Receivables. No student should fail to come for treatment because they do not have an immediate way of paying.


What should I know about using health insurance at Campus Health?

Campus Health is in-network with various insurances. Visit the up-to-date list of in-network insurance plans to learn more.
For international insurance plans, Campus Health can provide students with the necessary information to file their own claims. Please remember that the Campus Health Pharmacy and Student Stores Pharmacy are in-network with virtually all US health insurance plans including all of those listed above. Campus Health will electronically file a student’s primary insurance.
Other helpful insurance tips:

  • Make sure the medical insurance plan you have covers your son/daughter when on campus, as some HMOs do not provide benefits if they are out of their coverage area.
  • If you are currently uninsured, are out of your coverage area, or have determined that you are underinsured, an option to consider is the UNC System-Wide Student Health Insurance Plan. This plan is designed to supplement the care provided at Campus Health and is offered at a reasonable cost to students.
  • An informational brochure describing the benefits available under the University-sponsored student insurance plan is available at Select UNC-Chapel Hill in the college drop-down box.

Do you require health insurance?

All eligible students enrolled in the UNC system colleges and universities, including UNC-Chapel Hill are required to have health insurance. This means that every student attending the University must provide proof of a creditable health insurance policy. If the student is uninsured, they have the option of buying their own policy or participating in the University-sponsored plan. The documentation of this insurance requirement is called a “hard waiver.”  Eligible students must enroll to activate their insurance or complete the online waiver process with their own creditable insurance coverage before the deadline each semester. It’s electronic, fast, and efficient.

What happens with charges not covered by my insurance?

Campus Health will electronically file the student’s primary insurance. Any charges not covered by the student’s insurance will be forwarded to the Office of Student Accounts and University Receivables in the Student and Academic Services Building (SASB) North. The Office of Student Accounts and University Receivables manage students’ accounts and all outstanding bills must be paid in order to avoid a hold being placed on a student’s registration for the next term or an interruption of other official business with the University. It is in the student’s best interest to clear charges at the time of service or shortly thereafter.

How do students use insurance at Campus Health?

Students will be asked to present their insurance card at each visit. Campus Health will electronically submit the claim form as either an in-network or out-of-network provider depending on the plan. Charges not covered by the plan will be transferred to the student’s account at the Office of Student Accounts and University Receivables. A student may elect to pay for services they do not want to be filed to insurance.

If a student is enrolled in the UNC System-Wide Student Health Insurance Plan, they will have their charges filed for them electronically. According to the benefits of the plan, most charges are covered if service is provided at Campus Health. Charges not covered by the plan will be transferred to the student’s account at the Office of Student Accounts and University Receivables.

What insurance plans does Campus Health accept?

Campus Health is in-network with most of the major health insurance vendors and will file claims for all health insurance as long as we have a US mailing address.

Does Student Blue reimburse for health costs incurred abroad?

Student Blue does have an international component to its benefits and coverage.  Student Blue International is branded as BCBS Global Core.  An international student can purchase Student Blue and be covered in their home country as if they were in the United States, meaning the same benefits apply.  By searching the BCBS Student Blue website, students can find a provider/facility near them, review benefits, and submit claims. 

The medical evacuation / repatriation component of Student Blue is managed by AXA/GeoBlue (tbd).  International students studying through Carolina Away would not need to use this resource since they are already home.

To find a participating provider:

  1. Click on Resources
  2. Click on Find a Doctor
  3. Scroll to the bottom and click on Blue Cross Blue Shield Global Core

Alternatively, use the BlueCross BlueShield (BCBS) Global Core website:

  1. Check the Terms and Conditions
  2. Enter the first three letters or numbers of the Member ID number on your card (Student Blue policy numbers currently all have the prefix UUI).

Then look for an in-network physician:

  1. Select a Provider Type
  2. Search by Miles within / Country / City

If a network physician cannot be found in your search area a message with phone number will display to connect the student with a BCBS Global Core Customer Service representative.

In most cases the provider will file visit claims for the patient.  If not, students can file their claims online.  At the BCBS Global Core webpage:

  1. Select CLAIMS on the top bar
  2. The patient is presented with the option to submit a claim online or file a claim by mail.


What are your service hours?

See Campus Health’s general service hours.

What do I do when Campus Health is closed?

Students are advised to call the main Campus Health number at 919-966-2281. They will hear a brief automated message and if the caller wants to speak with UNC Nurse Connect, they will be connected directly by touching “1” on the keypad. If you do not get an answer using this method, call Nurse Connect directly at 984-364-4688. UNC Nurse Connect is a nursing telephone triage advice service that determines: (a) if the situation warrants a referral to the nearest emergency department; (b) if the situation warrants a referral to an urgent care facility (c) if directions for symptomatic relief will suffice; or (d) if the condition can wait until the student can go to Campus Health when it reopens.

What if I arrive at Campus Health after-hours and it is closed?

Call the Campus Health main number at 919-966-2281, which connects the caller to UNC Nurse Connect for advice. If you do not get an answer using this method, call Nurse Connect directly at 984-364-4688.

If I am sick or hurt after Campus Health closes, will I be able to talk with a physician?

If a student has spoken with a UNC Nurse Connect nurse, their conversation is a matter of record. The protocol is for the patient to identify themself. UNC Nurse Connect will put students in touch with the on call physician if they determine that it is clinically necessary.


How confidential are students’ medical records at Campus Health?

If the student is age 18 or older, Campus Health Records and information can only be accessed and/or released with a release of information form signed by the patient. Campus Health does not accept a blanket release form. Students must complete a new Release of Information Form each time they wish to have information released. Information is shared among providers within Campus Health without a release of information in order to provide the best comprehensive care to a student.

Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) clinical notes are kept confidential within CAPS except when clinically indicated and collaboration with medical providers is necessary. Under those circumstances, clinical information may be shared with other Campus Health medical providers.

There are also legally mandated exceptions to confidentiality when Campus Health is obligated to take action to protect others from harm. These include instances in which there is a danger of harm to self or others or disclosure of child or elder abuse.

Pharmacy and Prescriptions

Where/how can I get my prescriptions filled?

Our two on-campus pharmacies are conveniently located on the third floor of Student Stores and in the lower level of the Campus Health building. It’s easy to transfer your prescriptions to one of our stores, just bring your prescription bottle and one of our Pharmacy Technicians can help, or call the pharmacy of your choice. We also offer over-the-counter medications at a lower price than compared to most retail stores.

Do your Campus Health and Student Stores Pharmacies accept prescription insurance cards?

Yes. Most third-party payer prescription insurance cards are accepted.

Can Campus Health help me manage my medication?

Our pharmacists can help with Diabetes Care, and if you are already taking a prescription for ADHD or Psychotropic medication we can fill it for you at one of our facilities.  For more details about ADHD visit the Success with ADHD and the Counseling and Psychological Services pages. For medication management services such as medication evaluation, ongoing medication monitoring, and education, please visit the Medication Management page.

Special services

What happens if a student needs specialty care or emergency care not offered by Campus Health?

If there is a life-threatening medical or mental health emergency, please call 911 or go to the nearest local hospital emergency department.

When the problem is not an emergency, we will help the student locate appropriate specialty care. Often we refer to the Ambulatory Care Center (ACC), which is operated by UNC Health (UNCH). If there is an urgent or emergent problem, we will help the student see an appropriate specialist immediately through an emergency consult or direct referral to the UNCH Emergency Department. Specialty clinics are available on-site at Campus Health for Orthopedic needs. The Orange County Rescue Squad has defined triage criteria and will take the student who needs emergency department-level care directly to UNC Hospitals.

Does Campus Health cover costs for any services performed at UNC Hospitals?

No. UNC Hospitals is a totally separate organization performing a full range of highly specialized care. Campus Health provides basic primary care with contracted ambulatory specialty clinics for students. In many instances, a student can receive charges from three sources if they must go outside Campus Health for appropriate care: Campus Health, UNC Hospitals, and UNC Faculty Physicians (the organization of medical providers making up the faculty of the School of Medicine and providing most of the professional care at UNC Hospitals and their ambulatory care clinics).

What if a student has a special medical need?

For students with special medical needs, the transition to campus life can be facilitated by notifying the Campus Health staff of the medical problem and establishing care with a Campus Health provider – including sharing pertinent medical records. This will allow referral networks to be established with specialty physicians at UNC Hospitals as appropriate, and integration of services with the Office of Accessibility Resources and Services when indicated.

If a student needs allergy shots can they get them at Campus Health?

UNC students who have started an allergy desensitization program (allergy shots) with an allergist can have their injections given at Campus Health. Please visit Allergy Services for more information and forms to complete prior to receiving allergy injections at Campus Health. To speak with a nurse for more information or to get started, please call Campus Health at 919-966-2281 and ask to speak to the Allergy nurse.

Do I need to have a physical before I begin school at UNC?

No, you do not need a physical, but all new students who are taking four (4) or more hours are required to submit an Immunization and Health History Form. The form can be found on Connect Carolina under the “Enrolling Student” tab. Here is the list of required immunizations. Please call 919-966-2283 or email the Immunization Coordinator at [email protected] with any questions.

Is transportation available to Campus Health?

Yes. The Point to Point (P2P) campus shuttle will transport a student from anywhere on campus to Campus Health upon request. Return transportation can be provided if considered necessary by our nurse or doctor. Where there is a concern regarding the need for more intensive care, the Orange County Rescue Squad will be called to transport by ambulance to the appropriate facility and there is a charge for this service.

Does Campus Health provide mental health services?

Counseling and Psychological Services is a part of Campus Health and is the primary provider of mental health services on campus. In addition, Campus Health provides a social work intern who assists primary care providers with mental health patient needs.

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