Thomas Brickner, MD

Sports Physician

  • Professional/Educational Background: BS in Biochemistry, St. Joseph's College; Medical school, Medical College of Ohio; residency in Family Practice at the Toledo Hospital in 1990.
    Dr. Brickner is board certified in Family Medicine, with a Certificate of Added Qualification in Sports Medicine. He also has specialized training in diving and cold weather medicine. He currently serves as the head team physician for men's basketball, wrestling, tennis and golf, women's soccer, field hockey, crew, softball and gymnastics.
  • Family: Dr. Brickner and his wife, Beth, have three children, Emily, Amanda and Ben.
  • What's one thing most people don't know about you?: After completing his residency, Brickner served five years in the US Navy, including over two years as chief physician and medical department head for the United States Antarctic Program. Following the Navy, he completed a fellowship in primary care sports medicine at the Northwest Ohio Center for Sports Medicine.
  • Joined Campus Health: 1996
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