Catherine Walsh, MD

Primary Care Physician

  • Professional and Educational Background: Undergrad and graduate school Virginia Tech. Medical school at The University of Kentucky. Internal medicine residency at Moses Cone Hospital in Greensboro, NC.
  • Originally from: Fredericksburg, Virginia
  • Family: Husband and 3 children
  • Hobbies/Sports: Cooking, eating, running, reading, traveling, exploring new places, gardening and being outside.
  • Pets: 2 cats – We have a dog named Rockette and a cat named McFluffins.
  • Who has influenced you the most when it comes to how you approach his work? My parents. They taught me to be patient, persistent and to look for the good in everyone.
  • What's one thing most people don't know about you? My husband and I were Peace Corps volunteers in Tanzania, East Africa.
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