Caitlin Heredia, PA

  • Professional/Educational Background: Bachelors and PA, Gardner-Webb University. She has worked in primary care for the past 4.5 years.
  • Originally from/hometown: Wilmington, NC
  • Family:  Caitlin has a husband and a three year old son.
  • Hobbies/Sports: Browsing farmer’s markets, flower arranging and growing flowers, exploring with her husband and son in their new town.
  • Who has influenced you most when it comes to how you approach your work?: “My parents instilled a strong work ethic from a young age and a few of my PA school professors and preceptors exemplified dedication and compassionate care of patients.”
  • What’s a work-related accomplishment that you’re really proud of?: “I am most proud of the day to day successes I was able to help my patients achieve through educating and empowering them.”
  • Joined Campus Health: April 2021
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