Candice Lutterloh
- Professional/Educational background: Candice graduated college for Early Childhood Education. She worked in daycare from 2007-2014, then opened an in home care facility. She returned to school for animal care, and later took up being a Pharmacy Tech.
- Originally from: Sugar Camp, now lives in Burlington
- Family: Candice is married with two children and lots of nieces and nephews along with two sisters and a brother.
- Pets: She has an African Grey Parrot named Harlei who is 7 years old, and an over-sized, over-active, overly adorable Yorkie named Theodore who is 2 years old.
- Hobbies/Sports: Spending time with her family and friends, good music, good food, and gardening.
- Work influence: Candice has been influenced by her mom, who has always been a hard worker no matter what she was going through.
- Work related accomplishment: Opening her own in-home daycare.
- Surprising fact: “My age! Everyone assumes I’m their age which is typically much younger (no complaints here!).”
- Joined Campus Health: March 2021
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