All new and transfer students admitted to The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill are required to upload Immunization forms by June 15 for Fall admission or December 15 for Spring admission.
Important Notes
- The deadlines above are only general deadlines – if you are unable to upload your forms by the general deadlines, you will need to complete this requirement by the 1st day of classes.
- If you have a copy of an immunization record from your medical providers office, previous school, health department, etc., as long as the record meets the requirements for an official immunization certificate, you do not need to use the UNC Immunization form below, however, please upload the signed patient agreement that is included with the UNC form.
- If you are unable to receive any immunizations that you may be missing at your home medical office, you can get all the required immunizations at Campus Health when you arrive on campus.
- Per North Carolina state law, YOU WILL BE WITHDRAWN FROM THE UNIVERSITY 30 days after classes begin if immunization requirements have not been met.
- Campus Health will not accept mailed/faxed/emailed records; all records must be uploaded through your ConnectCarolina To Do list item.
- All immunization records are required to be submitted in English. If your immunization record is not in English, you must use the UNC Immunization Form and have a medical provider sign and date the form to verify all immunization dates.
- Students from countries with an increased incidence of TB or who have spent greater than one month in a country with an increased incidence of TB must provide documentation of TB screening.
- Include your FULL NAME and UNC PERSONAL ID# (PID#) on all pages of your documents
- Health Science Students: Your program will require a copy of your immunization record. It is your responsibility to provide your program with this information. You will need to keep a copy of your records to forward to your program; Campus Health will not automatically forward this information to your program.
- Please answer a few questions regarding your past medical history on our secure patient portal by following the directions below:
- Login to the Campus Health patient portal at using your Onyen and Onyen password.
- Once you are logged in, click on “Questionnaires” and then “Medical History” on the left side of the screen.
- Complete the Health History Questionnaire (you may leave any items blank that do not apply to you) and click the “Submit Request” button at the bottom of the screen.
- Campus Health respects and protects the privacy and confidentiality of all patient information. Campus Health may contact you with information regarding specialized services we offer (Diabetes Care Team, Allergy Clinic, Immunization Clinic events, etc.) dependent on information you supply to our office.
Garrett’s Law
Garrett’s law was enacted in 2004. It mandates schools provide parents and guardians with information about meningococcal meningitis and influenza and the vaccines that protect against these diseases. The law was expanded in 2007 to mandate that information also be provided about human papillomavirus (HPV) and the vaccines available to protect against HPV.