Campus Health Fee, Charges and Payments

Campus Health aims for the highest quality of medical care at the lowest out-of-pocket cost to students. While there are charges associated with a visit to Campus Health, do not let potential charges keep eligible students, post-doctoral fellows, and partners from accessing care.

Campus Health Fee

Many of the main services at Campus Health are already paid for with the Campus Health Fee.

The Campus Health Fee is a mandatory fee that all degree-seeking students pay through fees/tuition each term. All students and Postdoctoral fellows who pay the current term Campus Health Fee can use Campus Health. This charge appears on your University account as FEE Student Health. The Campus Health Fee for 2022-2023 is $205.08 per term.

Those part-time and distance-education students wishing to access care at Campus Health or CAPS can choose to pay the health fee for the current term and show proof of insurance to access services. Those students should contact Patient Accounts to add the health fee and update eligibility.

Please note that all UNC-affiliated persons are welcome to use Campus Health Pharmacy and Student Stores Pharmacy regardless of whether they pay the health fee.

For most services covered by the Campus Health Fee, students’ health insurance is not billed. This practice benefits students because any copay or coinsurance amount does not apply as it would if their insurance had been billed. This approach ensures that cost is not a barrier to access for students requiring these medical and mental health services.

Charges Covered by the Campus Health Fee

  • Provider visits in the Primary Care Clinics
  • Provider visits at Gynecology
  • Sports Medicine visits including musculoskeletal evaluation, concussion care, and rehabilitation
  • Same Day Care services inclusive of Saturday services
  • Any patient-portion charges for Physical Therapy after insurance has paid for services rendered
  • Any patient-portion charges for nutrition counseling after insurance has paid for services rendered
  • Counseling and Psychological Services initial assessment, brief  therapy if warranted by initial assessment, group therapy, referral management and any copays/coinsurance after insurance has been filed for the first Medication Evaluation and Management visit. CAPS 24/7 for speaking by phone with a mental health professional when CAPS is closed.
  • Access to the on-site Campus Health Pharmacy, Student Stores Pharmacy, and Healthy Heels Shoppe including personal counseling about prescriptions by a pharmacist
  • Access to specialty care within Campus Health at significant savings compared to community charges, including Orthopedics and Travel Clinic
  • Campus EMS first responder, non-transport service
  • Regular protocols recognized by the University for considering the student’s health status as it relates to academic performance (course drops and withdrawal from school for medical reasons). These are called academic interventions for medical and psychological reasons
  • Sexual assault counseling
  • Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist
  • Preconception and pregnancy counseling
  • Nurse consultations on a variety of health-related issues, including GynecologySports Medicine, etc.
  • Public health interventions in collaboration with local public health agencies
  • Secure web interactions with the medical team
  • Specialty clinic referral service and insurance assistance
  • 24 hours nurse advice line and on-call physician access
  • 24 hour on call student crisis support
  • The Campus Health Fee also funds health promotion and violence prevention services offered by Student Wellness and VPAS.

Charges Not Covered By the Campus Health Fee

We recognize that many students have limited financial resources. Because of our size and scope, we are able to keep additional costs very low.

*Counseling and Psychological Services Medication Management

The initial medication management evaluation visit is provided with no out-of-pocket costs. Insurance is filed and the Health Fee covers any remaining patient balance not paid by insurance. Subsequent medication follow-up visits will be provided for $150.00/session. 

No Show Charges

Time has been specifically reserved for your scheduled appointment, procedure or treatment.

Failure to cancel your appointment within 24 hours will result in a $25.00 fee.  If your appointment is with a psychiatric medication provider, the fee is $65.00

To cancel your appointment, visit the Healthy Heels Portal or call 919-966-2281.

Payment for Services

Campus Health will electronically file your primary insurance. Any amount not covered by insurance, including deductibles and co-insurance, will be considered your responsibility and transferred to your student account at the Office of the University Cashier.

Some health insurance plans limit providers. Students should be aware of their insurance limitations before using Campus Health and review which insurance plans consider Campus Health in-network. Campus Health Pharmacy and Student Stores Pharmacy are in-network with most pharmacy benefit plans.

What if I do not want my insurance billed for services?

If you do not want Campus Health to file your insurance for a lab, you will need to tell your provider and the lab staff before they perform any lab tests.

To pay for the lab charges before they are sent to your university bill, you will have to wait to pay until the lab test results are received. Please contact the Campus Health Billing Office two days after the lab tests are performed by calling (919) 966-6588.

Please note lab results from Campus Health or our outside reference labs maybe published to health portals. This information could be accessible to anyone that has a log-in to your account.

Payment Options at Campus Health

Prescription Payments

Prescription co-pays can be paid at the place the prescription is picked up – at Student Stores Pharmacy, located on the 3rd floor of Student Stores. or at the Healthy Heels Shoppe in the basement of Campus Health. This prevents the co-pay from being sent to your student account. 

For information on prescription drug coverage see the Pharmacy web pages. Drug coverage plan benefits for the Student Mandatory Plan, administered by BCBS Student Blue, can be found at Student Blue.


The Office of Student Accounts and University Receivable will apply any unpaid charges from Campus Health to your University account. These charges appear on your electronic tuition bill as “Campus Health INV” along with the claim number. The posting is not specific to the exact nature of the service. The date of the charge indicates when it was placed on your student account, not the date of the service at Campus Health.

Once a charge is transferred to the Office of the University Cashier, the student must make payment to that office (919-962-1368).

Hold on Registration

If Campus Health charges are sent to your UNC student account and the bill is not paid by the deadline set by the Office of Student and University Receivables there will be a hold on your account that will delay registration for the next term or graduation.

Accessing Your Student Account Information

Students may access their account information at Connect Carolina and sign in to the UNC Campus Portal or at the Office of Student Account and University Receivables in the Student and Academic Services Building (SASB).

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