We believe that all UNC students have the ability to be successful, and that success at Carolina requires commitment and hard work.
Most students find that college coursework is more difficult and demanding. You’ll likely find that you need to spend a lot of your time studying and that you have to create systems to help you stay organized and on top of your responsibilities. Research shows that persistence, sustained effort, and commitment are more predictive of academic success than intelligence.
Life stressors and personal challenges can also interfere with your academic stress. Counseling and Psychological Services, The Learning Center, and The Writing Center offers support for students struggling with concerns such as:
- Perfectionism
- Procrastination
- Anxiety about school and the future
- Tips to keep you on track
- Difficulty speaking or presenting in class
- Family or relationship concerns
- Having too many responsibilities and not enough time for academics
- Overworking or Not Resting