Mandatory Student Health Insurance (Hard Waiver Process)

Most students enrolled in the UNC System Colleges and Universities are required to have health insurance coverage. Students who meet the eligibility criteria (see below), regardless of in-person or virtual means of instruction, must show proof of insurance in order to waive out of Student Blue or will be automatically enrolled on the deadline.

Each semester, Student Health Insurance (the insurance premium) is added to all eligible students’ University accounts.  Eligible students must enroll to activate their insurance or complete the online waiver process with their own creditable insurance coverage before the deadline each semester. Once the waiver is verified and approved, the premium will be removed from the student’s account.



Questions about waive and enroll can be directed to Campus Health at

If you have questions about whether your financial aid package pays for the UNC System Student Health Insurance, please contact

Eligibility for Student Insurance Plans

Eligibility for the various UNC-Chapel Hill Health Insurance Plans is based on your UNC affiliation: student, RA/TA, or Postdoc. Eligible students are covered by the Hard Waiver (Mandatory) Plan.

Enrolling in Student Blue and Plan Benefits

The UNC System endorses a cost-effective Student Health Insurance Plan that covers most health care expenses not included in the Campus Health Fee. This plan is called Student Blue and is administered by Blue Cross / Blue Shield of North Carolina. Review the new Student Blue dual Plan options and benefits detail.

Waiving Student Blue

Those students who are required to have health insurance are not required to enroll in the UNC System Student Health Insurance Plan; rather you must provide proof of active creditable health insurance. 

Health Insurance Options

Health insurance is one of the most important investments you will ever make and is often difficult to understand. Sudden illnesses, injuries, and other medical setbacks can be expensive if hospital visits, surgery, or other serious measures are needed.  Maintaining health coverage assures that you won’t incur huge medical expenses.

Insurance for Remote Learners

All students who meet the eligibility criteria, regardless of in-person or virtual means of instruction, will have to show proof of insurance in order to waive Student Blue, or be automatically enrolled on the deadline.

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